Friday, August 28, 2015

Some Good Reads

Today has been a quiet and peaceful rainy day, which makes it the perfect
day to snuggle under a blanket and read a good book, all while sipping
a hot cup of tea! :)  

There are a couple of books that I wanted to share with all of you that I think
many of you would really enjoy!

1.  The One and Only: Emily Giffin

This is the story of a middle-aged woman named Shea from a small Texas town
that is so set in her ways of what she finds to be "normal" and routine in her life.  She
is kind of afraid to try something new because of the risk of not knowing what it will be like.
She soon learns though that things are not always as the appear to be, even when you have been in the same routine for your whole life.  

I have to say, this was not my favorite book by Giffin, but I still did enjoy it and would
encourage you to try it!! 

2.  Keep Calm and Carry a Big Drink: Kim Gruenenfelder

This is what I am currently reading right now, but I wanted to share this 
with you because right now I am totally loving it! 

Mel is a young single lady, who lives with one of her best friends as she tries
to make ends meet as a math teacher (especially when her job is on the line due to budget cuts).
I am not that far into it and don't want to ruin anything for anyone, but I am really liking it so far!!

Summer is starting to slip away from us and I hope to squeeze in a few more books
before school starts up again!!  

What are you reading this summer?!  I would love to hear!! :)


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