Hello there!!
Where have I been, you may ask?
Well, I have just completed yet another year of college!
Where is the time going?!?! Crazy!!
But it surely was a good one!! :)
So to kick things off, I thought I would share some cute statement necklaces
that I have found while shopping like crazy (and I mean like a mad woman). ;)
So some day when I have more money, I would love to invest in this
Kate Spade necklace! Love the colors together!
The perfect summer accessory! Found
How about
this one from Anthropologie?!
I am in LOVE with this store.
Well, I shouldn't make it sound like this is a new-found love,
I have been addicted for several years, yet do not own a single thing from Anthro.
This needs to change, oui?! ;)
I love the pink!!!
I am also in love with J.Crew and if anyone knows how to legally obtain an
unlimited credit card, let me know ASAP cause I'm going crazy! ;)
And two more beauties from Kate Spade:
Such a pretty shade of green!
Have a wonderful day!! :)
Nutmeg :)